Additionally, I posted on some of the previously discussed forums to get direct responses to my questions.

Ceramics Arts Network

This forum is specifically for the pottery community, therefore I took this opportunity to learn more about the professional requirements and challenges.

The message posted:

“Hi all, I am a keen potter [having studied at school, taught at camp and now engaging with pottery at home]. For my masters thesis in UX Psychology , I am looking at how I could develop a digital interface to enhance the pottery experience at home. [emphasis on enhance, not replace nor distract from the physical experience]

If you engage with pottery at home, I'd love to know:

Your input is so appreciated. Thank you!”

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 16.06.50.png


User How did you start? Materials Challenges Digital Experience
1 [JK]
Older male Took a basic class which led to taking 3 college courses. Store bought materials Making enough time to spend in the studio's kind of hard to mess with a phone or tablet when my hands are covered in slip!
2 [P]
Older male - professional - Learned when in final year of undergrad


Given the possibility for large responses via Reddit, my post focused on targeting at home potters and understanding their motivations and challenges
