High fidelity usability test

A high-fidelity working prototype was to be tested with field experts and users. Participants would be asked to freely interact with the app while thinking aloud, although some guidance was provided [e.g. where features were not clickable]. Post-testing, the System Usability Scale (SUS) survey would be employed to quantitatively assess overall usability, and lower-scoring items were identified for further improvement. While it would have been preferable to test a final version of the application, there were only minor changes made from the mid fidelity version. Therefore, the feedback anticipated from this testing is brand/visual based. The feedback from the one user piloted with, UX professional with a mindful based business, was promising: • Clear brand identity conveyed through engaging illustrations and fun copy. • Familiar and welcoming experience • Animated gestures were appreciated.

Feedback provided and implemented: • Clarity on the profile page • Increasing body font size • Minimizing text on the initial onboarding screen.

Snapshot of post test survey

Snapshot of post test survey

Service walkthrough


Beginner potters would have been provided with clay and asked to interact with a short hands-free tutorial within the app. The focus is on assessing the practicality and user-friendliness of hands-free gestures during a real pottery-making scenario. Participants would be observed as they navigate the tutorial using hands-free features, and their feedback collected. As above, post feedback users would complete the SUS survey. In the pilot, the user was able to successfully use the hands-free navigation and remarked they found the tutorial “fun and engaging”.

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